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10 And so the Yanks listened politely when the Europeans and other intellectuals talked about how dangerous the Bomb was,
11 And how destructive,
12 And how apocalyptic,
13 aBecause if anybody tried to fight another world war with nuclear weapons, there might not be anything left afterwards,
14 Which made the Yanks nod vigorously,
15 Now that they knew what apocalyptic meant,
16 Besides being secretly pleased and proud that it was the Yanks who invented nuclear weapons first,
17 Because how long would the world last if somebody else had been first,
18 Somebody not as God-fearing and moral as the Yanks,
19 Somebody who would use nuclear weapons to rule the world?

1 Even so, the Yanks knew that Europe was still a problem,
2 Because it was still bEurope,
3 And still pretty full of Krauts and Frogs and Brits,
4 Even if there weren't quite as many as there used to be,
5 Not to mention the Russkies,
6 Who stuck pretty closely to the plan they'd laid out at Yalta,
7 Meaning they weren't going to give back any territory,
8 At all,
9 And were planning to own Poland and Czechoslovakia and Romania and Hungary and Albania and a great big chunk of Germany,
10 Forever,
11 cEven if they had to lose a few million more comrades to defend it.
12 By this time, of course, the Yanks had brought most of their combat troops home,
13 What with the war having been over for several weeks or so,
14 dAnd they didn't want to fight a big war with the Russkies,
15 Because the Russkies hadn't killed any Yanks yet,
16 Which meant there wasn't anything to remember,
17 And nothing to get even for,
18 Yet.
19 Even so, the Yanks had started to realize that this time wasn't going to be like last time,
20 eMeaning they couldn't just go home and forget all about Europe for another twenty years,
21 Because this time they were fstuck,
22 And had to stay involved,
23 Because all the Europeans were completely exhausted,
24 And pretty much out of ideas about what to do next,
25 Which meant the Yanks had to come up with an idea,
26 And really kind of think it through this time,
27 Since a bad idea would probably cause gWorld War III,
28 Which made the Yanks nervous,
29 hBecause if there's one thing Yanks really hate, it's having to think things through.

1 Fortunately for the Yanks, they had a great general named iGeorge Catlett Marshall,
2 Who was so brilliant that he thought up a great idea all by himself,